Wednesday, June 20, 2007

"Bil" - It Does the Body Good!

Bil, Bil......Bil! That's what I hear alot from my little guy lately.......when he wants milk!!

From what I understand, Joshua had an interesting day yesterday. It started early after breakfast. My husband, his dad, and Joshua, all went for a ride in the Jeep. The jeep belongs to my hubby's dad. For over an hour. While Joshua slept!

When they pulled back into our yard, my husband was about to inside when he realized he didn't have the house keys. And the door was of course locked. But no keys!

And there was no diaper no lunch, diapers, or wipes for Joshua.

And I'm way out here at work! And my husband was supposed to be at work by 4pm. And I get off at 5:30pm!

They had to run to the store, grab some diapers, wipes, and food. Of course, pay for them before leaving! And return to my in-laws house.

So for lunch, Joshua got a grand meal! He had leftover Father's Day meal that had the good stuff...... Crowder peas, macaroni and cheese pie (casserole, something like that), and banana cake. He ate until he told her no more. Which was "the arm" pushing her back. Then he wanted "bil."

So by the time I got home, I fed him. Or tried to, but I think his little tummy was still happy with crowder peas! He only ate just a few pieces of carrots and green beans. Then wanted "bil!"

Then of all things, he fell asleep while drinking his "bil." But that REALLY didn't need to happen because we had to get a bath. With storms the past 2-3 days, I couldn't put him in the tub, so I just had to wipe him off. So he HAD to have a bath.

He didn't WANT a bath. He was tired. He was upset! So I made it a 3-4 minute bath, got him out, brushed his teeth, and took him to the nursery.

He didn't want to read. He wanted to sleep!

So that's what he did. Sleep! Til about 9:30am this morning. Bil.......It does the body good!!

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