Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Happy Birthday, Justin!! A Wonderful 6 Months!!

Yeah!! Happy Birthday, Sweet Little Man. It's your big day.

I've SO enjoyed these 6 months with you. You are a complete blessing to me and your Daddy, your big brother Joshua, and grandparents. Your quick smile is amazing to me! In a second, it's there!

I'm so glad you and Joshua are happy with one another. I realize that there will be "those other moments" but I believe you both will be pretty close. Ya'll are very different from each other, but I love those differences. I love you both just the way you are!

You wake up smiling so many times. It's amazing!

You are my miracle. Just like Joshua. And I"m so proud to be your mommy. God really knew what He was doing when He gave me you two.

Happy Birthday!

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